Most freshwater is in ice


Just 3.5 percent of Earth’s water is fresh—that is, with few salts in it. You can find Earth’s freshwater in our lakes, rivers, and streams, but don’t forget groundwater and glaciers. Over 68 percent of Earth’s freshwater is locked up in ice and glaciers. And another 30 percent is in groundwater. Lorem ipsum dolor sit […]

Water regulates the Earth’s temperature


Nearly 97% of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Another 2% is locked in ice caps and glaciers. That leaves just 1% for all of humanity’s needs — all its agricultural, residential, manufacturing, community, and personal needs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus mollis malesuada. Sed suscipit, tortor nec […]

The water from your faucet


There is the same amount of water on Earth as there was when the Earth was formed. The water from your faucet could contain molecules that dinosaurs drank. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus mollis malesuada. Sed suscipit, tortor nec sollicitudin tincidunt, massa ipsum vestibulum dui, ut mattis nisl nibh sit […]

Most freshwater is in ice


Just 3.5 percent of Earth’s water is fresh—that is, with few salts in it. You can find Earth’s freshwater in our lakes, rivers, and streams, but don’t forget groundwater and glaciers. Over 68 percent of Earth’s freshwater is locked up in ice and glaciers. And another 30 percent is in groundwater. Lorem ipsum dolor sit […]

The water from your faucet


There is the same amount of water on Earth as there was when the Earth was formed. The water from your faucet could contain molecules that dinosaurs drank. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus mollis malesuada. Sed suscipit, tortor nec sollicitudin tincidunt, massa ipsum vestibulum dui, ut mattis nisl nibh sit […]

Cucumbers are 95 percent water


Cucumbers are 95 percent water, according to Ware. This makes cucumbers a great way to stay hydrated, especially during the summer. A cup of cucumber slices is “nearly as thirst-quenching as a glass of water,” according to Eating Well magazine. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed maximus mollis malesuada. Sed suscipit, tortor […]

The average cost for water


The average cost for water supplied to a home in the U.S. is about $2.00 for 1,000 gallons, which equals about 5 gallons for a penny. Suspendisse ultricies rutrum faucibus. Nullam aliquam lacinia felis, non semper erat convallis in. In ac lectus pharetra, porta turpis vel, elementum dui. Curabitur pretium magna scelerisque eros condimentum congue. […]